Designwebworld provides several kinds of Website Maintenance Services in Mumbai including weekly, monthly, Quarterly, Six month and yearly basis. Designwebworld does not charge a monthly fee for maintaining your pages, only for actual updates when you need them!

Why Regular Website Maintenance Service is Important

  • Keep your visitors interested - Your website is your online store and you have to keep visitors interested by routinely featuring creative content such as images, text and graphics that relate to your niche or market.
  • Better Result for Google - Professional SEO's know that the key to maintaining Google rank is by frequent updates. Google is more interested in websites that are active. It measures the freshness of a website by a number of factors and one of them is how often a website is updated.
  • New Products - We can resize and optimise new images for your website and also update the pdf files, new products, news letters, press articles, events images on the website.
  • Adding your products, solutions and features - Business is ever changing and we often change or add to our products to meet the demands of the consumer. When you have a new product and it is not listed on your website, you are not maximising your opportunities. Your new products, solutions and features need to be added to your website.
  • Keep your website up with Changing Technology - Just like your business, web technology is constantly changing and keeping up with these changes can benefit you with higher search engine ranking and a better website. Keep your Website Running Fast- Keeping your website professionally maintained ensures that your website is working well. When your website is optimal, it means that links are working, images load fast and emails function. This means that your visitors will find what they are looking for fast and easily. When you give your users a good experience, they are more likely to become customers.
  • Types of Maintenance - Website Maintenance Services in Mumbai upadate the website weekly, monthly, Quarterly, Six month and yearly basis. Designwebworld does not charge a monthly fee for maintaining your pages, only for actual updates when you need them!
  • Maintaining your website can be tough - especially when you have a busy schedule. You shouldn't have to spend most of your time making updates to your website. Your time can be better spent focusing on other important matters. Choose a plan and let us do the heavy lifting.
  • Social Media Updates - We also can look after your Facebook and other social media pages if you don't have the time, since once you have a social media page, it's important to keep it updated! We'll even write the content for you as well, if needed!